Monday, November 7, 2011

Blog Reform

The only reason for me doing this blog is for class.  It has taken me awhile to get started and into the whole idea of blogging, and now that I am getting the hang of it (and slightly enjoying it) the class is getting ready to end.  The assignment was to come up with a topic within Digital Advertising and blog about it.  Until the last post, I kept my topic as Digital Advertising.  Today I am changing it to indirect digital advertising.

To me indirect digital advertising can be one of two things: 1) when individuals advertising for a company without getting paid to do it 2) when the advertisement is so subtle people dont even know it is an advertisement.  Today we are going to focus on the first of the two.

When individuals talk about, wear, drink, ect a product, the company/product is basically getting free advertising.  This can be done in blogs, on twitter or Facebook, in Youtube videos, and in peoples photos.  Often this well happen unintentionally but it is still advertising for a company.

Here are a few examples:
 From twitter:

Ashley Ripp

just like coke-a-cola, it's gonna be around forever.
Paula Skladanowski

Coke > Pepsi :) RT A big round-of-applause for the marketer of the year: Coca-Cola
By Photos:
This is a picture of my cousins and I and the Great Wall of China.  We were having a great time and took pictures.  By me posting the picture it advertises a great place to visit.  It was not meant to be an advertisement for the Great Wall, just a a picture of my cousins.  In other words it was unintentional. 

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